
  • Vietnam
Abstract from DBPedia
    Vietnam or Viet Nam (Vietnamese: Việt Nam, [vîət nāːm]), officially the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, is a country in Southeast Asia, at the eastern edge of mainland Southeast Asia, with an area of 311,699 square kilometres (120,348 sq mi) and population of 96 million, making it the world's fifteenth-most populous country. Vietnam borders China to the north, and Laos and Cambodia to the west. It shares maritime borders with Thailand through the Gulf of Thailand, and the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia through the South China Sea. Its capital is Hanoi and largest city Ho Chi Minh City (commonly known as Saigon) Vietnam was inhabited by the Paleolithic age, with states established in the first millennium BC on the Red River Delta in modern-day northern Vietnam. The Han dynasty annexed Northern and Central Vietnam under Chinese rule from 111 BC, until the first dynasty emerged in 939. Successive monarchical dynasties absorbed Chinese influences through Confucianism and Buddhism, and expanded southward to the Mekong Delta, conquering Champa. The Nguyễn—the last imperial dynasty—surrendered to France in 1883. Following the August Revolution, the nationalist Viet Minh under the leadership of communist revolutionary Ho Chi Minh proclaimed independence from France in 1945. Vietnam went through prolonged warfare in the 20th century. After World War II, France returned to reclaim colonial power in the First Indochina War, from which Vietnam emerged victorious in 1954. As a result of treaties signed two years later, Vietnam was also separated into two parts. The Vietnam War began shortly after, it was the war between communist North supported by the Soviet Union and China, and anti-communist South supported by the United States. Upon the North Vietnamese victory in 1975, Vietnam reunified as a unitary socialist state under the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) in 1976. An ineffective planned economy, a trade embargo by the West, and wars with Cambodia and China crippled the country further. In 1986, the CPV initiated economic and political reforms similar to the Chinese economic reform, transforming the country to a market-oriented economy. The reforms facilitated Vietnamese reintegration into global economy and politics. A developing country with a lower-middle-income economy, Vietnam is nonetheless one of the fastest growing economies of the 21st century, with GDP predicted to rival developed nations by 2050. Vietnam has high levels of corruption, censorship and a poor human rights record; the country ranks among the lowest in international measurements of civil liberties, freedom of the press and freedom of religion and ethnic minorities. It is part of international and intergovernmental institutions including the ASEAN, the APEC, the CPTPP, the Non-Aligned Movement, the OIF, and the WTO. It has assumed a seat on the United Nations Security Council twice.

    ベトナム社会主義共和国(ベトナムしゃかいしゅぎきょうわこく、ベトナム語:Cộng Hoà Xã Hội Chủ Nghĩa Việt Nam / 共和社會主義越南)、通称ベトナム(越(えつ)南(なん)、ベトナム語:Việt Nam / 越南、ヴィエットナム、英語: Vietnam)は、東南アジアのインドシナ半島東部に位置する社会主義共和制国家。首都はハノイ。人口約9,936万人(2021年)。通貨はドン。ベトナム共産党による一党独裁体制下にある。 インドシナ半島の東海岸をしめるベトナムの国土は南北に長く、北は中華人民共和国、西はラオス、南西はカンボジアと国境を接する。東と南は南シナ海に面し、フィリピン、ボルネオ島(マレーシア連邦やブルネイ、インドネシア)そしてマレー半島(マレーシア連邦およびタイ王国南部)と相対する。 南シナ海南部のスプラトリー諸島を「長沙諸島」(ちょうさしょとう、ベトナム語:Quần đảo Trường Sa / 群島長沙、クァンダオ チュオンサ)と呼称して自国領と主張し、一部を実効支配している。南シナ海中部のパラセル諸島(ベトナム名は「黄沙諸島」)に付いても領有権を主張しているが、過去にはアメリカ合衆国や中華人民共和国との武力衝突もある。
