
  • The Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aquaculture responsibilities include leasing submerged State lands for shellfish operations including aquaculture, classifying shellfishing waters, monitoring water quality, identifying sources of pollution, seeking corrective actions, and licensing of all commercial shellfish operations. These operations also include municipal recreational relays and scientific studies, as well as commercial seed oyster harvesting, relaying/transplanting operations, shellstock shipping which may include market harvesting, reshipping, shucking and repacking of shucked shellfish. The bureau is also involved in seed oyster enhancement activities through its cultch program and licenses conch (whelk) fishing. It works closely with and depends upon the cooperation and assistance of each town where market harvesting, recreational shellfishing and relay activities are allowed in order to correctly classify shellfishing waters within each municipality. The enforcement of laws relating to illegal harvesting is handled by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Law Enforcement Division working cooperatively with municipal enforcement officials. The Bureau of Aquaculture laboratory is multifunctional. The laboratory provides services and functions which support the Shellfish Sanitation Program and maintains compliance with the US Food and Drug Administration's National Shellfish Sanitation Program Model Ordinance (NSSP-MO). The laboratory provides analyses for environmental quality and aquatic animal health. The laboratory also functions as a research facility for other institutions on a collaborative basis. [Source: "http://www.ct.gov/doag/cwp/view.asp?a=1369&Q=259170"]
  • Bureau of Aquaculture and Laboratory Service, Department of Agriculture, Connecticut