Suspended solids

  • Suspended Solids
  • Particulate matter suspended in the water column, greater than 0.45 micrometers, as distinguished from dissolved solids which are less than 0.45 micrometers. Synonymous with Particulates. 
Abstract from DBPedia
    Suspended solids refers to small solid particles which remain in suspension in water as a colloid or due to motion of the water. Suspended solids can be removed by sedimentation if their size or density is comparatively large, or by filtration. It is used as one indicator of water quality and of the strength of sewage, or wastewater in general. It is an important design parameter for sewage treatment processes. It is sometimes abbreviated SS, but is not to be confused with settleable solids, also abbreviated SS, which contribute to the blocking of sewer pipes.

    浮遊物質(ふゆうぶっしつ、suspended solids)とは、水中に浮遊する粒子径2 mm以下の不溶解性物質の総称である。日本では水質指標の1つとされており、重量濃度(mg/L)で表される。懸濁物質(けんだくぶっしつ、suspended substance)とも呼ばれる。通常、SSと略される。
