
  • Space
Abstract from DBPedia
    Space is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction. In classical physics, physical space is often conceived in three linear dimensions, although modern physicists usually consider it, with time, to be part of a boundless four-dimensional continuum known as spacetime. The concept of space is considered to be of fundamental importance to an understanding of the physical universe. However, disagreement continues between philosophers over whether it is itself an entity, a relationship between entities, or part of a conceptual framework. Debates concerning the nature, essence and the mode of existence of space date back to antiquity; namely, to treatises like the Timaeus of Plato, or Socrates in his reflections on what the Greeks called khôra (i.e. "space"), or in the Physics of Aristotle (Book IV, Delta) in the definition of topos (i.e. place), or in the later "geometrical conception of place" as "space qua extension" in the Discourse on Place (Qawl fi al-Makan) of the 11th-century Arab polymath Alhazen. Many of these classical philosophical questions were discussed in the Renaissance and then reformulated in the 17th century, particularly during the early development of classical mechanics. In Isaac Newton's view, space was absolute—in the sense that it existed permanently and independently of whether there was any matter in the space. Other natural philosophers, notably Gottfried Leibniz, thought instead that space was in fact a collection of relations between objects, given by their distance and direction from one another. In the 18th century, the philosopher and theologian George Berkeley attempted to refute the "visibility of spatial depth" in his Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision. Later, the metaphysician Immanuel Kant said that the concepts of space and time are not empirical ones derived from experiences of the outside world—they are elements of an already given systematic framework that humans possess and use to structure all experiences. Kant referred to the experience of "space" in his Critique of Pure Reason as being a subjective "pure a priori form of intuition". In the 19th and 20th centuries mathematicians began to examine geometries that are non-Euclidean, in which space is conceived as curved, rather than flat. According to Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, space around gravitational fields deviates from Euclidean space. Experimental tests of general relativity have confirmed that non-Euclidean geometries provide a better model for the shape of space.

    時空(じくう、英: spacetime)は、時間と空間を合わせて表現する物理学の用語、または、時間と空間を同時に、場合によっては相互に関連したものとして扱う概念である。時空間(time and space)ともいう。


    Space is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction. In classical physics, physical space is often conceived in three linear dimensions, although modern physicists usually consider it, with time, to be part of a boundless four-dimensional continuum known as spacetime. The concept of space is considered to be of fundamental importance to an understanding of the physical universe. However, disagreement continues between philosophers over whether it is itself an entity, a relationship between entities, or part of a conceptual framework. Debates concerning the nature, essence and the mode of existence of space date back to antiquity; namely, to treatises like the Timaeus of Plato, or Socrates in his reflections on what the Greeks called khôra (i.e. "space"), or in the Physics of Aristotle (Book IV, Delta) in the definition of topos (i.e. place), or in the later "geometrical conception of place" as "space qua extension" in the Discourse on Place (Qawl fi al-Makan) of the 11th-century Arab polymath Alhazen. Many of these classical philosophical questions were discussed in the Renaissance and then reformulated in the 17th century, particularly during the early development of classical mechanics. In Isaac Newton's view, space was absolute—in the sense that it existed permanently and independently of whether there was any matter in the space. Other natural philosophers, notably Gottfried Leibniz, thought instead that space was in fact a collection of relations between objects, given by their distance and direction from one another. In the 18th century, the philosopher and theologian George Berkeley attempted to refute the "visibility of spatial depth" in his Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision. Later, the metaphysician Immanuel Kant said that the concepts of space and time are not empirical ones derived from experiences of the outside world—they are elements of an already given systematic framework that humans possess and use to structure all experiences. Kant referred to the experience of "space" in his Critique of Pure Reason as being a subjective "pure a priori form of intuition". In the 19th and 20th centuries mathematicians began to examine geometries that are non-Euclidean, in which space is conceived as curved, rather than flat. According to Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, space around gravitational fields deviates from Euclidean space. Experimental tests of general relativity have confirmed that non-Euclidean geometries provide a better model for the shape of space.

    空間(くうかん、英: space)とは、 1. * (日常の用語)大きさを持った入れ物。 2. * (哲学)時間と共に物質界を成立させる基礎形式。アリストテレスなどに古代ギリシアの思想では、個々の物が占有する場所(トポス)である。カントは空間を時間とともに人間精神の「直観形式」だとする立場を呈示した。 3. * (物理)ニュートンは、空間を3次元のユークリッド空間、すなわち、3方向に無限に拡がるものとする数学を用いてニュートン力学体系を構築した。そして「(空間は)そのnature(本性)において、外界のいかなるものとも関係がなく、常に同じままで(不変)、不動」と記述した。 「万有引力」という考え方(遠隔作用論の一種)を提示し、宇宙の空間のすべての点が、全ての天体の位置と質量を「知って」いる、と考え、空間というのは「神の感覚中枢 (sensorium dei)」であると述べた。空間を絶対と見なしたニュートンに対して、(ニュートン同様に大御所であった)ライプニッツは空間は相対的なものである、と見なし、論戦が繰り広げられた。アインシュタインの特殊相対性理論では、空間と時間はミンコフスキー時空という一体のものとして記述され、さらに一般相対性理論では、物質(質量)の存在により「曲がる」4次元リーマン空間として記述された。20世紀後半に発展した超弦理論では空間は9次元だとされる。→、。 4. * (数学)→。ユークリッド空間、非ユークリッド空間、空間 (数学)(集合に幾何学的構造を併せて考えたもの)など。 5. * (建築) → 哲学、物理学、数学、建築、地理学、社会学、等々において用いられており、意味・説明は分野ごとに異なるので、それぞれ説明する。
