definition |
The World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC) is one
of five World Data Centres which are part of the Global Atmosphere
Watch (GAW) programme of the World Meteorological Organization
(WMO). The WOUDC is operated by the Experimental Studies Division of
the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) ? formerly Atmospheric
Environment Service (AES), Environment Canada and is located in
The WOUDC began as the World Ozone Data Centre (WODC) in 1960 and
produced its first data publication of Ozone Data for the World in
1964. In June 1992, the AES agreed to a request from the WMO to add
ultraviolet radiation data to the WODC. The Data Centre has since been
renamed to the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre
(WOUDC) with the two component parts: the WODC and the World
Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WUDC).
There are presently six ozone data categories (types) and three UV
data types registered at the WOUDC. The ozone data archive contains
the following data categories: Lidar vertical profiles, Ozonesonde
vertical profiles, Total column ozone (Daily and Monthly values),
Surface ozone (Daily summaries), and Umkehr N-value and C-Umkehr
vertical profiles. The UV data archive contains the following data
categories: Broad-band, Multi-band and Spectral.
Website: ""
[Summary provided by WOUDC.]