  • [Source: NASA THEMIS Mission Home Page, ] NASA's Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) aims to resolve one of the oldest mysteries in space physics, namely to determine what physical process in near-Earth space initiates the violent eruptions of the aurora that occur during substorms in the Earth's magnetosphere. THEMIS is a 2-year mission consisting of 5 identical probes that will study the violent colorful eruptions of Auroras. For the first time NASA will launch a constellation of five satellites to study substorms. The THEMIS probes will line up over North America once every four days. Over the mission’s two-year lifetime, the probes should be able to observe some 30 substorms. THEMIS is the fifth medium-class mission under NASA's Explorer Program, which was conceived to provide frequent flight opportunities for world-class scientific investigations from space within the Heliophysics and Astrophysics science areas. The Explorers Program Office at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., manages this NASA-funded mission. The University of California, Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory and Swales Aerospace, Beltsville, Md., built the THEMIS probes. Group: Platform_Details Entry_ID: THEMIS Group: Platform_Identification Platform_Category: Solar/Space Observation Satellites Platform_Series_or_Entity: NASA Medium Class Explorers (MIDEX) Short_Name: THEMIS Long_Name: Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions During Substorms End_Group Group: Platform_Associated_Instruments Short_Name: THEMIS-SST Short_Name: THEMIS-ESA Short_Name: THEMIS-FGM Short_Name: THEMIS-EFI Short_Name: SCM End_Group Group: Orbit Orbit_Type: HEO > Highly Elliptical Orbit End_Group Creation_Date: 2008-07-17 Online_Resource: Online_Resource: Online_Resource: Sample_Image: Group: Platform_Logistics Launch_Date: 2007-02-17 Launch_Site: Cape Canaveral/Kennedy Space Center, USA Primary_Sponsor: USA/NASA End_Group End_Group
  • Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions During Substorms
Abstract from DBPedia
    Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) mission began in February 2007 as a constellation of five NASA satellites (THEMIS-A through THEMIS-E) to study energy releases from Earth's magnetosphere known as substorms, magnetic phenomena that intensify auroras near Earth's poles. The name of the mission is an acronym alluding to the Titan Themis. Three of the satellites orbit the Earth within the magnetosphere, while two have been moved into orbit around the Moon. Those two were renamed ARTEMIS for Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence and Electrodynamics of the Moon's Interaction with the Sun. THEMIS-B became ARTEMIS-P1 and THEMIS-C became ARTEMIS-P2. ARTEMIS-P1 and -P2 together comprise the THEMIS-ARTEMIS mission. The THEMIS satellites were launched 17 February 2007 from SLC-17B aboard a Delta II launch vehicle. Each satellite carries five identical instruments, including a fluxgate magnetometer (FGM), an electrostatic analyzer (ESA), a solid state telescope (SST), a search-coil magnetometer (SCM) and an electric field instrument (EFI). Each probe has a mass of 126 kg (278 lb), including 49 kg (108 lb) of hydrazine fuel. THEMIS data can be accessed using the SPEDAS software. Canada, Austria, Germany, and France also contributed to the mission.

    THEMIS(テミス)は、アメリカ航空宇宙局 (NASA) の観測衛星。(オーロラ嵐)の引き金となる現象を調べる。名称は Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms の頭字語。 地球磁気圏内に散らばった5機の衛星群が、サブストームの開始位置とその引き金となる過程を調査する。また、衛星軌道上での観測と共に北アメリカ20カ所の基地からオーロラを観測する。5機の衛星のうち、地球磁気圏で観測を続けているのは3機である。残りの2機は、月の近くの軌道に移され ARTEMIS(アルテミス; Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence and Electrodynamics of the Moon’s Interaction with the Sun)と改称された。 衛星はにより製造された。地上基地の業務は、カリフォルニア大学宇宙科学研究所(Space Sciences Laboratory)による。
