
  • The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) promotes marine research and education in Scotland through: -RESEARCH - SAMS hosts an in-house programme at the Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory near Oban, with particular focus on scientific issues relevant to Scottish waters. -BURSARIES - SAMS encourages external research through the award of bursaries, fellowships and grants. -MEETINGS - SAMS organizes meetings on contemporary marine scientific issues. -LINKS - SAMS maintains and strengthens links and involvement with national and international marine science programmers. -PUBLICATIONS - SAMS produces publications including; an Annual Report and a twice-yearly Newsletter. -EDUCATION - SAMS aims to raise the awareness of marine science through schools visits, open days, public seminars and the Marine Science Degree of the UHI Millennium Institute. -INDEPENDENT VIEW - SAMS provides an independent view on scientific issues in Scotland and elsewhere. Website: "http://www.sams.ac.uk/" [Summary provided by SAMS.]
  • Scottish Association for Marine Science, University of Highlands and Islands, UK