
  • Pakistan
Abstract from DBPedia
    Pakistan (Urdu: پاکِستان [ˈpaːkɪstaːn]) , officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Urdu: اِسلامیجمہوریہ پاکِستان), is a country in South Asia. It is the world's fifth-most populous country, with a population of almost 243 million people, and has the world's second-largest Muslim population just behind Indonesia. Pakistan is the 33rd-largest country in the world by area and 2nd largest in South Asia, spanning 881,913 square kilometres (340,509 square miles). It has a 1,046-kilometre (650-mile) coastline along the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Oman in the south, and is bordered by India to the east, Afghanistan to the west, Iran to the southwest, and China to the northeast. It is separated narrowly from Tajikistan by Afghanistan's Wakhan Corridor in the north, and also shares a maritime border with Oman. Islamabad is the nation's capital, while Karachi is its largest city and financial centre. Pakistan is the site of several ancient cultures, including the 8,500-year-old Neolithic site of Mehrgarh in Balochistan, the Indus Valley civilisation of the Bronze Age, the most extensive of the civilisations of the Afro-Eurasia, and the ancient Gandhara civilization. The region that comprises the modern state of Pakistan was the realm of multiple empires and dynasties, including the Achaemenid; briefly that of Alexander the Great; the Seleucid, the Maurya, the Kushan, the Gupta; the Umayyad Caliphate in its southern regions, the Hindu Shahis, the Ghaznavids, the Delhi Sultanate, the Mughals, the Durranis, the Sikh Empire, British East India Company rule, and most recently, the British Indian Empire from 1858 to 1947. Spurred by the Pakistan Movement, which sought a homeland for the Muslims of British India, and election victories in 1946 by the All-India Muslim League, Pakistan gained independence in 1947 after the Partition of the British Indian Empire, which awarded separate statehood to its Muslim-majority regions and was accompanied by an unparalleled mass migration and loss of life. Initially a Dominion of the British Commonwealth, Pakistan officially drafted its constitution in 1956, and emerged as a declared Islamic republic. In 1971, the exclave of East Pakistan seceded as the new country of Bangladesh after a nine-month-long civil war. In the following four decades, Pakistan has been ruled by governments whose descriptions, although complex, commonly alternated between civilian and military, democratic and authoritarian, relatively secular and Islamist. Pakistan elected a civilian government in 2008, and in 2010 adopted a parliamentary system with periodic elections. Pakistan is a middle power nation, and has the world's sixth-largest standing armed forces. It is a declared nuclear-weapons state, and is ranked amongst the emerging and growth-leading economies, with a large and rapidly-growing middle class. Pakistan's political history since independence has been characterised by periods of significant economic and military growth as well as those of political and economic instability. It is an ethnically and linguistically diverse country, with similarly diverse geography and wildlife. The country continues to face challenges, including poverty, illiteracy, corruption and terrorism. Pakistan is a member of the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the Commonwealth of Nations, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, and the Islamic Military Counter-Terrorism Coalition, and is designated as a major non-NATO ally by the United States.

    西パキスタンمغربى پاکستان (ウルドゥー語)পশ্চিম পাকিস্তান (ベンガル語) 国の標語: ایمان، اتحاد، نظم(ウルドゥー語)信頼、統一、規律国歌: قومی ترانہ(ウルドゥー語)神聖なる大地に祝福あれ西パキスタンが統治する土地(濃緑)、薄緑は領有を主張するが統治していない土地 議院内閣制自治領(1955年 - 1958年)大統領制(1960年 - 1969年)軍事政権(1969年 - 1970年) 西パキスタン(ウルドゥー語: مغربی پاکستان‎, Mag̱ẖribī Pākistān IPA: [məɣrɪbiː pɑːkɪstɑːn]; ベンガル語: পশ্চিম পাকিস্তান, Pôścim Pakistan)は、1947年のインド・パキスタン分離独立に続く現在のパキスタン建国で作られた二つの飛び地の一つであった。 1947年にイギリスから独立すると、パキスタンは物理的にインドでお互いを東西に分ける二つの居住区に分かれた。パキスタンの西側は、3つの知事州(カイバル・パクトゥンクワ州、、)と長官が管理する州()、数個の独立した藩王国を伴う(有名なところでは、チトラル、、、、)、カラチ周辺の連邦首都領域、連邦直轄部族地域を含んでいた。新国家の東側(東パキスタン)は、(シレット管区の嘗てのアッサム州とチッタゴン丘陵地帯を含む)東ベンガル州のみで構成された。 東パキスタンが人口の過半数を占めながら憲法制定議会では異常に少数派であったのに対して、西パキスタンは政治的に優勢であった。この東西の不平等と地理的距離は、新の採択を遅らせていると考えられた。両地域の差異を小さくするために政府は1954年11月22日に首相が発表した「」政策の下で二つの別個の州に国家を再編成することを決めた。 1970年、大統領兼将軍は領域改革や憲法改革、軍事改革を実行した。この改革で州議会や国会、現在のパキスタンの4つの州を創設した。1970年7月1日、単にパキスタンとして建国しながら「一つの連邦」を解消し「西」を削除するに基づき西パキスタンは委譲され「パキスタン」と改名した。この命令は1955年に建国された地理的立場を保持する東パキスタンに影響はなかった。しかし翌年のバングラデシュ独立戦争でバングラデシュという新国家として東パキスタンが離脱することに繋がった。


    Pakistan (Urdu: پاکِستان [ˈpaːkɪstaːn]) , officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Urdu: اِسلامیجمہوریہ پاکِستان), is a country in South Asia. It is the world's fifth-most populous country, with a population of almost 243 million people, and has the world's second-largest Muslim population just behind Indonesia. Pakistan is the 33rd-largest country in the world by area and 2nd largest in South Asia, spanning 881,913 square kilometres (340,509 square miles). It has a 1,046-kilometre (650-mile) coastline along the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Oman in the south, and is bordered by India to the east, Afghanistan to the west, Iran to the southwest, and China to the northeast. It is separated narrowly from Tajikistan by Afghanistan's Wakhan Corridor in the north, and also shares a maritime border with Oman. Islamabad is the nation's capital, while Karachi is its largest city and financial centre. Pakistan is the site of several ancient cultures, including the 8,500-year-old Neolithic site of Mehrgarh in Balochistan, the Indus Valley civilisation of the Bronze Age, the most extensive of the civilisations of the Afro-Eurasia, and the ancient Gandhara civilization. The region that comprises the modern state of Pakistan was the realm of multiple empires and dynasties, including the Achaemenid; briefly that of Alexander the Great; the Seleucid, the Maurya, the Kushan, the Gupta; the Umayyad Caliphate in its southern regions, the Hindu Shahis, the Ghaznavids, the Delhi Sultanate, the Mughals, the Durranis, the Sikh Empire, British East India Company rule, and most recently, the British Indian Empire from 1858 to 1947. Spurred by the Pakistan Movement, which sought a homeland for the Muslims of British India, and election victories in 1946 by the All-India Muslim League, Pakistan gained independence in 1947 after the Partition of the British Indian Empire, which awarded separate statehood to its Muslim-majority regions and was accompanied by an unparalleled mass migration and loss of life. Initially a Dominion of the British Commonwealth, Pakistan officially drafted its constitution in 1956, and emerged as a declared Islamic republic. In 1971, the exclave of East Pakistan seceded as the new country of Bangladesh after a nine-month-long civil war. In the following four decades, Pakistan has been ruled by governments whose descriptions, although complex, commonly alternated between civilian and military, democratic and authoritarian, relatively secular and Islamist. Pakistan elected a civilian government in 2008, and in 2010 adopted a parliamentary system with periodic elections. Pakistan is a middle power nation, and has the world's sixth-largest standing armed forces. It is a declared nuclear-weapons state, and is ranked amongst the emerging and growth-leading economies, with a large and rapidly-growing middle class. Pakistan's political history since independence has been characterised by periods of significant economic and military growth as well as those of political and economic instability. It is an ethnically and linguistically diverse country, with similarly diverse geography and wildlife. The country continues to face challenges, including poverty, illiteracy, corruption and terrorism. Pakistan is a member of the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the Commonwealth of Nations, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, and the Islamic Military Counter-Terrorism Coalition, and is designated as a major non-NATO ally by the United States.

    パキスタン・イスラム共和国(パキスタン・イスラムきょうわこく、ウルドゥー語: اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکِستان‎)、通称パキスタンは、南アジアに位置する連邦共和制国家である。東にインド、西にアフガニスタン、南西にイラン、北東に中華人民共和国と国境を接している。北はアフガニスタンのワハーン回廊でタジキスタンと狭く隔てられており、オマーンとも海上で国境を接している。首都はイスラマバード。
