
  • Advection
  • Advection is the transfer of properties of current flow. The transfer of heat gain/loss from one region to another.  
Abstract from DBPedia
    In the field of physics, engineering, and earth sciences, advection is the transport of a substance or quantity by bulk motion of a fluid. The properties of that substance are carried with it. Generally the majority of the advected substance is also a fluid. The properties that are carried with the advected substance are conserved properties such as energy. An example of advection is the transport of pollutants or silt in a river by bulk water flow downstream. Another commonly advected quantity is energy or enthalpy. Here the fluid may be any material that contains thermal energy, such as water or air. In general, any substance or conserved, extensive quantity can be advected by a fluid that can hold or contain the quantity or substance. During advection, a fluid transports some conserved quantity or material via bulk motion. The fluid's motion is described mathematically as a vector field, and the transported material is described by a scalar field showing its distribution over space. Advection requires currents in the fluid, and so cannot happen in rigid solids. It does not include transport of substances by molecular diffusion. Advection is sometimes confused with the more encompassing process of convection, which is the combination of advective transport and diffusive transport. In meteorology and physical oceanography, advection often refers to the transport of some property of the atmosphere or ocean, such as heat, humidity (see moisture) or salinity. Advection is important for the formation of orographic clouds and the precipitation of water from clouds, as part of the hydrological cycle.

    数学における有限差分(ゆうげんさぶん、英: finite difference)はf(x + b) − f(x + a) なる形の式を総称して言う。有限差分を b − a で割れば、差分商が得られる。微分を有限差分で近似することは、微分方程式(特に境界値問題)の数値的解法である有限差分法において中心的な役割を果たす。 ある種の漸化式は多項間の関係式を有限差分で置き換えて差分方程式にすることができる。 今日では「有限差分」の語は、特に数値解法の文脈において、微分のの同義語としてもよく用いられる。有限差分近似は冒頭の用語法に則れば有限差分商のことである。 有限差分それ自体も、抽象的な数学的対象として研究の主題となり得るものである。例えばジョージ・ブール (1860), (1933), (1939) らの業績があり、それはアイザック・ニュートンにまで遡れる。そのような観点で言えば、有限差分に関する形式的な計算は無限小に関する計算の代替となるものである。


    In the field of physics, engineering, and earth sciences, advection is the transport of a substance or quantity by bulk motion of a fluid. The properties of that substance are carried with it. Generally the majority of the advected substance is also a fluid. The properties that are carried with the advected substance are conserved properties such as energy. An example of advection is the transport of pollutants or silt in a river by bulk water flow downstream. Another commonly advected quantity is energy or enthalpy. Here the fluid may be any material that contains thermal energy, such as water or air. In general, any substance or conserved, extensive quantity can be advected by a fluid that can hold or contain the quantity or substance. During advection, a fluid transports some conserved quantity or material via bulk motion. The fluid's motion is described mathematically as a vector field, and the transported material is described by a scalar field showing its distribution over space. Advection requires currents in the fluid, and so cannot happen in rigid solids. It does not include transport of substances by molecular diffusion. Advection is sometimes confused with the more encompassing process of convection, which is the combination of advective transport and diffusive transport. In meteorology and physical oceanography, advection often refers to the transport of some property of the atmosphere or ocean, such as heat, humidity (see moisture) or salinity. Advection is important for the formation of orographic clouds and the precipitation of water from clouds, as part of the hydrological cycle.

    移流(いりゅう、英: advection)とは、温度や物質濃度などにばらつきがある空間のある地点において、空間内の物質の移動によって温度や物質濃度の変化が起こる(物理量が空間内で運ばれる)こと。物理学のうち特に流体力学に関係が深い。上記の空間を基点とした考え方はオイラー的な考え方とされ、逆に物質を基点としたラグランジュ的な考え方が以下のように述べられる(連続体力学#連続体の記述方法を参照)。 例として、ある地点の上空に冷たい空気があって、その西に暖かい空気があるとする。ここで、西風によって暖かい空気が運ばれることを移流といい、その地点では気温の上昇が観測される(オイラー記述)。暖かい空気が西側、冷たい空気が東側に存在し、西風によって冷たい空気はある地点から東側へ、暖かい空気は東側のある地点へ移動する(ラグランジュ記述)。
