
  • Michigan
Abstract from DBPedia
    Michigan (/ˈmɪʃɪɡən/) is a state in the Great Lakes region of the upper Midwestern United States. With a population of nearly 10.12 million and an area of nearly 97,000 sq mi (250,000 km2), Michigan is the 10th-largest state by population, the 11th-largest by area, and the largest by area east of the Mississippi River. Its capital is Lansing, and its largest city is Detroit. Metro Detroit is among the nation's most populous and largest metropolitan economies. Its name derives from a gallicized variant of the original Ojibwe word ᒥᓯᑲᒥ (mishigami), meaning "large water" or "large lake". Michigan consists of two peninsulas. The Lower Peninsula resembles the shape of a mitten, and comprises a majority of the state's land area. The Upper Peninsula (often called "the U.P.") is separated from the Lower Peninsula by the Straits of Mackinac, a five-mile (8 km) channel that joins Lake Huron to Lake Michigan. The Mackinac Bridge connects the peninsulas. Michigan has the longest freshwater coastline of any political subdivision in the United States, being bordered by four of the five Great Lakes and Lake St. Clair. It also has 64,980 inland lakes and ponds. Michigan has the second-most water of any state, behind only Alaska. The area was first occupied by a succession of Native American tribes over thousands of years. In the 17th century, French explorers claimed it as part of the New France colony, when it was largely inhabited by indigenous peoples. French and Canadian traders and settlers, Métis, and others migrated to the area, settling largely along the waterways. After France's defeat in the French and Indian War in 1762, the region came under British rule. Britain ceded the territory to the newly independent United States after Britain's defeat in the American Revolutionary War. The area was part of the larger Northwest Territory until 1800, when western Michigan became part of the Indiana Territory. Michigan Territory was formed in 1805, but some of the northern border with Canada was not agreed upon until after the War of 1812. Michigan was admitted into the Union in 1837 as the 26th state, a free one. It soon became an important center of industry and trade in the Great Lakes region, attracting immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries from many European countries. Immigrants from Finland, Macedonia, and the Netherlands were especially numerous. Migration from Appalachia and of Black Southerners as part of the Great Migration increased in the 1930s, with many settling in Metro Detroit. Although Michigan has developed a diverse economy, in the early 20th century it became widely known as the center of the U.S. automotive industry, which developed as a major national economic force. It is home to the country's three major automobile companies (whose headquarters are all in Metro Detroit). Once exploited for logging and mining, today the sparsely populated Upper Peninsula is important for tourism due to the abundance of natural resources. The Lower Peninsula is a center of manufacturing, forestry, agriculture, services, and high-tech industry.

    ミシガン州(ミシガンしゅう、英: State of Michigan)は、アメリカ合衆国中西部に位置する州。五大湖地域に含まれ、アメリカ合衆国50州の中で総面積では全米第11位(陸地面積では22位)、人口では全米第10位。前身のミシガン準州から1837年1月26日に合衆国26番目の州に昇格した。州の北と東はスペリオル湖・ヒューロン湖を挟んでカナダの国境に接し、西はミシガン湖越しにウィスコンシン州に、南はインディアナ州とオハイオ州に接している。 ミシガン州は、北米における自動車産業発祥の州として知られているが、五大湖のうちの4つに囲まれているという地の利もあり、アメリカ・カナダの両方からの観光客が多い州でもある。州域はロウアー半島とアッパー半島という2つの大きな半島で構成され、その間には幅5マイル (8 km) のマキナック海峡があり、ヒューロン湖とミシガン湖を繋いでいる。2つの半島はマキナック橋で繋がれている。 州都はランシング市であり、人口最大の都市は東側のカナダの国境に面したデトロイト市である。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Michigan)