
  • The National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) scientists are filled with questions and are committed to finding the answers about our natural world. Their enduring curiosity about the natural world has led them to the four corners of the earth: our scientists have been to ocean depths, the peaks of the Andes, Africa's Rift Valley, the Galapagos Islands, the rainforests of South America, and to a field site or research institution in your own state, territory or country. They are seeking and finding the puzzle pieces to significant questions about vital topics such as global warming, the loss of biodiversity, and invasive plant and insect species that threaten our agricultural and natural resources. Our research is known for being authoritative: the knowledge it reveals unlocks important findings and also serves as the essential building blocks for integrative, overarching scientific interpretation. Our research leads to an understanding of processes that shape the natural world. NMNH scientists know that to really comprehend the "big picture", they can't stop at just the geological, biological or anthropological questions. The answers for today's questions come from crossing traditional academic boundaries and integrating multiple perspectives. And it is increasingly important for the nation and the world that scientific information be available to governments and private citizens as well as other scientists. Website: "" [Summary provided by the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.]
  • National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution