
  • Namibia
Abstract from DBPedia
    Namibia (/nəˈmɪbiə/, /næˈ-/), officially the Republic of Namibia, is a country in Southern Africa. Its western border is the Atlantic Ocean. It shares land borders with Zambia and Angola to the north, Botswana to the east and South Africa to the south and east. Although it does not border Zimbabwe, less than 200 metres (660 feet) of the Botswanan right bank of the Zambezi River separates the two countries. Namibia gained independence from South Africa on 21 March 1990, following the Namibian War of Independence. Its capital and largest city is Windhoek. Namibia is a member state of the United Nations (UN), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the African Union (AU) and the Commonwealth of Nations. The driest country in sub-Saharan Africa, Namibia has been inhabited since pre-historic times by the San, Damara and Nama people. Around the 14th century, immigrating Bantu peoples arrived as part of the Bantu expansion. Since then, the Bantu groups, the largest being the Ovambo, have dominated the population of the country; since the late 19th century, they have constituted a majority. Today Namibia is one of the least densely populated countries in the world. It has a population of 2.55 million people and is a stable multi-party parliamentary democracy. Agriculture, tourism and the mining industry – including mining for gem diamonds, uranium, gold, silver and base metals – form the basis of its economy, while the manufacturing sector is comparatively small. In 1884, the German Empire established rule over most of the territory, forming a colony known as German South West Africa. Between 1904 and 1908, it perpetrated a genocide against the Herero and Nama people. German rule ended in 1915 with a defeat by South African forces. In 1920, after the end of World War I, the League of Nations mandated administration of the colony to South Africa. As mandatory power, South Africa imposed its laws, including racial classifications and rules. From 1948, with the National Party elected to power, this included South Africa applying apartheid to what was then known as South West Africa. In the later 20th century, uprisings and demands for political representation by native African political activists seeking independence resulted in the UN assuming direct responsibility over the territory in 1966, but the country of South Africa maintained de facto rule. In 1973, the UN recognised the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) as the official representative of the Namibian people. Following continued guerrilla warfare, Namibia obtained independence in 1990. However, Walvis Bay and the Penguin Islands remained under South African control until 1994.

    ナミビア共和国(ナミビアきょうわこく、英語: Republic of Namibia)、通称ナミビアは、アフリカ南西部に位置する共和制国家である。北にアンゴラ、北東にザンビア、東にボツワナ、南に南アフリカ共和国と国境を接し、西は大西洋に面する。なお、地図を一見すると接しているように見えるジンバブエとはザンビア、ボツワナを挟んで150メートルほど離れている。首都はウィントフック。イギリス連邦加盟国のひとつである。 当初ドイツ(一部イギリス)が植民地とし、植民地時代の名称は南西アフリカ。第一次世界大戦以後は南アフリカ連邦の委任統治下に置かれていたが、第二次世界大戦後の国際連盟解散を機に南アフリカが国際法上違法な併合を行った。南アフリカの統治時代には同様の人種隔離政策(アパルトヘイト)が行われ、バントゥースタン(ホームランド)が置かれた。その後、1966年にナミビア独立戦争が始まり、1990年に独立を達成した。
