
  • Buoys
  • Buoys, in the oceanographic context, are platforms whose defining characteristic is that they float at a predetermined depth in the ocean. Most often BUOYS float on the surface of the ocean. Typically, BUOYS are divided into two categories: drifting and moored buoys. Moored BUOYS are floats fixed in water to mark a location, warn of danger, or indicate a navigational channel. They can also take scientific measurements of the water including temperature and water quality measurements. Drifting BUOYS are exclusively scientific platforms that drift along the surface of the ocean following the ocean currents and/or the surface winds depending on their configuration. Along the trajectory, they collect oceanographic or meteorological data. Group: Platform_Details Entry_ID: BUOYS Group: Platform_Identification Platform_Category: In Situ Ocean-based Platforms Platform_Series_or_Entity: BUOYS Short_Name: BUOYS End_Group End_Group
  • Buoy
Abstract from DBPedia
    A buoy (/ˈbuː.i, bɔɪ/) is a floating device that can have many purposes. It can be anchored (stationary) or allowed to drift with ocean currents.

    浮標(ふひょう 英:buoy)は、様々な目的で水面に浮かべる構造物。外来語でブイとも呼ばれる。錨で固定させることも海流に漂わせることもできる。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Buoy)