definition |
- The 3 GHz Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar (CAMRa)
is the largest steerable meteorological radar in the world.
The 25 metre dish is located at the Chilbolton Observatory
in England (UK). It has dual-polarisation capability and
full Doppler capability. The scan-type is usually 'ppi'
(plan-position indicator, i.e. a horizontal scan) or 'rhi'
(range-height indicator, i.e. a vertical scan). Chilbolton
Observatory is operated by the Radio Communications Research
Unit of CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
The characteristics of the radar are:
Frequency 3.075 GHz
Antenna diameter 25 metres
Peak power 560 kW
Pulse width 0.5 micro-sec
Pulse repetition frequency 610 Hz
System noise figure 1.3 dB
Beamwidth 0.28 degrees
Range resolution 300 m or 75 m
Cross-polar isolation -34 dB
Standard maximum slew rate 1 degree/sec
Unambiguous velocity 15 m/s
More Information: ""
[Summary Extracted from the BADC Home Page]