
  • The mission of the NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Division (ACD) is to identify and quantify the natural and anthropogenic processes that regulate the chemical composition of the troposphere and middle atmosphere and to assess future changes caused by human activities. Key to these questions is our understanding of: 1. the role of the biosphere in producing and consuming trace gases; 2.the importance of the chemical and photochemical processes occurring in different atmospheric environments (e.g., remote free troposphere, marine and continental boundary layers, urban atmosphere, stratosphere and mesosphere, etc.); and 3. the role of transport processes connecting these environments (e.g., large-scale advection, convection, stratosphere/troposphere exchanges, and continental export). The perturbations associated with population growth and economic development need also to be quantified. Website: "http://www.acd.ucar.edu/" [Summary provided by UCAR.]
  • Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research