
  • Squall
  • A strong wind characterized by a sudden onset, a duration of the order of minutes, and then a rather sudden decrease in speed.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A squall is a sudden, sharp increase in wind speed lasting minutes, as opposed to a wind gust, which lasts for only seconds. They are usually associated with active weather, such as rain showers, thunderstorms, or heavy snow. Squalls refer to the increase to the sustained winds over that time interval, as there may be higher gusts during a squall event. They usually occur in a region of strong sinking air or cooling in the mid-atmosphere. These force strong localized upward motions at the leading edge of the region of cooling, which then enhances local downward motions just in its wake.

    スコール (squall) は、激しい天候変化(豪雨、落雷あるいは豪雪など)を伴う急激な風速の増加現象のこと。短時間のうちに継続的に風速が増加し、激しい突風を生じる場合もある。スコールは通常、中層からの下降気流または中層での対流(冷たい大気の先端に生じた局所的な上昇気流)により発生し、局所的な下降気流を強める。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Squall)