
  • The Texas A & M University Bioinformatics Working Group (TAMU-BWG) is a product of recent initiatives on the Texas A&M campus to stimulate innovative research by promoting interdisciplinary, collaborative projects in bioinformatics. Research activities of the TAMU-BWG are based on the presence of significant problems in the general area of bioinformatics data development/presentation and the potential for efficient solutions offered by the World Wide Web (WWW). Full and efficient exploitation of this potential requires research-level expertise with both the problem and the solution. Thus, the TAMU-BWG operates within an academic 'hybrid zone' that lies between Life and Computer Sciences and Engineering. Operations involve group meetings and on-going dialog via the BWG mailserver. These exchanges, often involving 'translations' between the languages of both areas, establish research targets/priorities, monitor progress with on-going projects, and generate methods and protocols. Currrent TAMU-BWG products on-line, at various stages of development and involving a suite of collaborators, find expanding usage from the internet community, a factor that helps define both research direction and progress. Website: "http://www.csdl.tamu.edu/FLORA/tamuherb.htm" [Summary provided by Texas A & M University.]
  • Bioinformatics Working Group, Texas A&M University