Weather stations

  • Weather Stations
  • Weather Stations are facilities or locations where meteorological data are gathered, recorded, and released. Such stations are of the first order when they make observations of all the important elements either hourly or by self-registering instruments; of the second order when only important observations are taken; of the third order when simpler work is done, as to record rainfall and maximum and minimum temperatures. [Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, ? 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc]
Abstract from DBPedia
    A weather station is a facility, either on land or sea, with instruments and equipment for measuring atmospheric conditions to provide information for weather forecasts and to study the weather and climate. The measurements taken include temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and precipitation amounts. Wind measurements are taken with as few other obstructions as possible, while temperature and humidity measurements are kept free from direct solar radiation, or insolation. Manual observations are taken at least once daily, while automated measurements are taken at least once an hour. Weather conditions out at sea are taken by ships and buoys, which measure slightly different meteorological quantities such as sea surface temperature (SST), wave height, and wave period. Drifting weather buoys outnumber their moored versions by a significant amount.

    気象台(きしょうだい、英: Meteorological Observatory)とは、日本における気象庁の機関のひとつであり、国土交通省設置法で規定されている。いわゆる天気だけではなく、地震・火山・海洋などの観測も行なう。また、過去観測した気象を公的に証明する気象証明を発行する業務もある。 なお、気象庁では特定の気象台および気象観測所、測候所、さらに海洋気象観測船、南極の昭和基地において、上空(高層域)の気象状況を観測している。高層気象観測では、測定器を上空に飛ばして計測するラジオゾンデと、上空に電波を発射し、反射した電波を観測するウィンドプロファイラを実施している。
