Severe weather

  • Severe Weather
  • An alert to advise the public to when and where potentially life threatening weather phenomena may occur.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Severe weather is any dangerous meteorological phenomenon with the potential to cause damage, serious social disruption, or loss of human life. Types of severe weather phenomena vary, depending on the latitude, altitude, topography, and atmospheric conditions. High winds, hail, excessive precipitation, and wildfires are forms and effects of severe weather, as are thunderstorms, downbursts, tornadoes, waterspouts, tropical cyclones, and extratropical cyclones. Regional and seasonal severe weather phenomena include blizzards (snowstorms), ice storms, and duststorms. Extreme weather phenomena which cause extreme heat, cold, wetness or drought often will bring severe weather events. One of the principal effects of anthropogenic climate change is changes in severe and extreme weather patterns.

    荒天(こうてん、Severe weather)とは人間の生活等を脅かす天候の状態のことである。荒れた天候。厳密な定義はないが、風、雨や雹などの降水、気温の変化などが激しいこと、極端に強い風や降水があること、著しい低温、波浪などを指す。近年は異常気象と呼ばれることが多い。
