Stellar winds

  • Stellar winds
  • Stellar outflows
Abstract from DBPedia
    A stellar wind is a flow of gas ejected from the upper atmosphere of a star. It is distinguished from the bipolar outflows characteristic of young stars by being less collimated, although stellar winds are not generally spherically symmetric. Different types of stars have different types of stellar winds. Post-main-sequence stars nearing the ends of their lives often eject large quantities of mass in massive ( solar masses per year), slow (v = 10 km/s) winds. These include red giants and supergiants, and asymptotic giant branch stars. These winds are understood to be driven by radiation pressure on dust condensing in the upper atmosphere of the stars. Young T Tauri stars often have very powerful stellar winds. Massive stars of types O and B have stellar winds with lower mass loss rates ( solar masses per year) but very high velocities (v > 1–2000 km/s). Such winds are driven by radiation pressure on the resonance absorption lines of heavy elements such as carbon and nitrogen. These high-energy stellar winds blow stellar wind bubbles. G-type stars like the Sun have a wind driven by their hot, magnetized corona. The Sun's wind is called the solar wind. These winds consist mostly of high-energy electrons and protons (about 1 keV) that are able to escape the star's gravity because of the high temperature of the corona. Stellar winds from main-sequence stars do not strongly influence the evolution of lower-mass stars such as the Sun. However, for more massive stars such as O stars, the mass loss can result in a star shedding as much as 50% of its mass whilst on the main sequence: this clearly has a significant impact on the later stages of evolution. The influence can even be seen for intermediate mass stars, which will become white dwarfs at the ends of their lives rather than exploding as supernovae only because they lost enough mass in their winds.

    恒星風(こうせいふう)あるいは単に星風(せいふう)とは、恒星表面から吹き出すガスの流れのことである。太陽からも太陽風という形で常時ガスが放出されており、太陽フレアの際には太陽風の速度が上昇する。 恒星は自分自身の重力によってガスを保持している。しかし表面でガスの圧力や輻射圧(光圧)、磁気的な圧力などが高くなることによって一部のガスが重力を振り切って恒星から放出される。 おうし座T型星においては、主系列星に移行する途中のある時期に急激に恒星風が強くなり周囲のガスを吹き飛ばすと考えられている。 赤色巨星の表面においては重力が弱いために容易にガスが放出される。そのため赤色巨星が恒星風として放出する質量は太陽よりも数万倍も多い。 また大質量星においては星の表面が高温であるためガスの圧力や輻射圧が高く恒星風が強い。このような星が恒星風によって水素の外層を失ったと考えられるのがウォルフ・ライエ星である。
