Equivalent width

  • Equivalent Width
  • The spectral width of a total absorption line having the amount of absorbed radiant energy being equivalent to that in an observed absorption line.
Abstract from DBPedia
    The equivalent width of a spectral line is a measure of the area of the line on a plot of intensity versus wavelength in relation to underlying continuum level. It is found by forming a rectangle with a height equal to that of continuum emission, and finding the width such that the area of the rectangle is equal to the area in the spectral line. It is a measure of the strength of spectral features that is primarily used in astronomy.

    等価幅(とうかはば、英: equivalent width)或いは等積幅(とうせきはば)は、スペクトルにおける測定量の一つで、スペクトル線の強度を連続スペクトルの強度との比較で表したものである。連続スペクトルに対し、下(吸収線)或いは上(輝線)に変化するスペクトル線の、輪郭の面積に相当する値で、スペクトル線の輪郭と同じ面積を持つ連続スペクトルの幅と言うことができる。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Equivalent_width)