Data Publications

QSCAT (Ku-2001) Ocean Winds Derived by Locally Weighted Regression Interpolation (Version 1e)

  • QSCAT (Ku-2001) Ocean Winds Derived by Locally Weighted Regression Interpolation (Version 1e)
  • NCAR_DS744.5
  • This revision is Version 1e for QSCAT Ku-2001 ocean surface winds derived using a locally weighted regression interpolation method. The region of influence (ROI) varies depending on the quality of the resultant interpolation. ROI of 3 and 5 degrees (latitude by longitude) have been used. The resultant grids are 0.5 degrees and 3 hour resolution. The coverage is for 40S to the 70S. The QSCAT (Ku-2001) satellite data were provided by Remote Sensing Systems. Notice 07/28/2006: JPL PO.DAAC has initiated reprocessing of all ADEOS-II and QuikSCAT data with superior algorithms for retrievals in high wind speed and light rain areas. This reprocessing could effect this dataset. More information is available at JPL PO.DAAC [].
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