Data Publications

The SeaWinds QuikSCAT L2B Scatterometer Ocean Winds, Version 3.0

  • The SeaWinds QuikSCAT L2B Scatterometer Ocean Winds, Version 3.0
  • NCAR_DS744.2
  • Callahan,P. S., and Ted Lungu - Editors, 2006: QuikSCAT Science Data Product User's Manual, Version 3.0. D-18053 - Rev A, JPL/NASA, 85 pp., URL:
  • The SeaWinds instrument on QuikSCAT is an active microwave radar designed to measure electromagnetic backscatter from the wind roughened ocean surface. The L2B data are presented as orbit swaths of wind speed and direction at a 25 km resolution. The satellite is in a sun synchronous orbit with a 101 minute period and a repeat cycle of 4 days (57 orbits). Notice of potential satellite failure from JPL.PODAAC 10 December 2000. The QuikSCAT antenna remains in a stalled position. Near-real-time data have not been available since 0700 UTC on 23 November 2009 (orbital revolution number 54315), and science-quality data have not been available since 00 UTC 22 November 2009 (orbital revolution 54296).
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