Data Publications

TWERLE Southern Hemisphere Drifting Balloon Data

  • TWERLE Southern Hemisphere Drifting Balloon Data
  • NCAR_DS615.0
  • Levanon, N., 1982: Antarctic ice elevation maps from balloon altimetry. Ann. Glaciol., 3, 184-188. Massman, W.J., 1981: An investigation of gravity waves on a global scale using TWERLE data. J. Geophys. Res., 86, 4072-4082. Levanon, N, P.R. Julian, V.E. Suomi, and W.J. Massman, 1979: Daily high-latitude 150 mb pressure maps from TWERLE and radiosondes part I: 16 November 1975 - 31 January 1976. TN-141+STR, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, 89 pp.. Massman, W.J., 1978: On the nature of vertical oscillations of constant volume balloons. J. Appl. Meteor., 17, 1351-1356. Julian, P., V. Lally, W. Kellogg, V. Suomi, and C. Cote, 1977: The TWERL Experiment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 58, 936-948 (DOI: 10.1175/1520-0477(1977)058<0936:TTE>2.0.CO;2). Levanon, N., P.R. Julian and V.E. Suomi, 1977: Antarctic topography from balloons. Nature, 268(5620), 514-516. Levanon, N., R.A. Oehlkers, S.D. Ellington, W.J. Massman, and V.E. Suomi, 1974: On the behavior of superpressure balloons at 150 mb. J. Appl. Meteor., 13, 494-504.
  • This dataset contains data from the Tropospheric Wind Earth Radio Location Experiment (TWERLE) constant-level balloons over the Southern Hemisphere for June 1975 to August 1976. The balloon measurements were taken at pressures near 150mb and include temperature and wind.
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