Data Publications

Monthly Flow Rates of World Rivers (except former Soviet Union)

  • Monthly Flow Rates of World Rivers (except former Soviet Union)
  • NCAR_DS552.0
  • UNESCO, 1969: Discharge of selected rivers of the world. Volume I, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris, FR, 70 pp..
  • This compilation of monthly river flow rate data, for most of the globe except former Soviet Union countries, was prepared by Byron Bodo from a combination of datasets from UNESCO, WMO GRDC, the RIVDIS by Vorosmarty (1998), and others. The overall average length of period of record is about 26.7 years. About 2/3 of the gauge records have from 10-100+ years of data. The USGS offers the CDROM "Hydro-Climatic Data Network: Streamflow Data Set, 1874-1988". This consists of streamflow data measured at 1659 sites throughout the US and its territories. Daily mean, monthly mean, annual mean, minimum and maximum values of discharge are given for each water year. Stations selected distinguish human influences.
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