Data Publications

FSU COAPS Research Vessel Data

  • FSU COAPS Research Vessel Data
  • NCAR_DS530.1
  • The Center for Ocean-Atmosphere Prediction Studies (COAPS []) through their Research Vessel Surface Meteorology Data Center (RVSMDC []) collect, quality control check, and archive high-resolution marine surface data taken aboard ocean research vessels. The measurements are made with modern and calibrated instrument packages with sampling on the order of one-minute frequency. This is a long-term archive for these data. These data and near real-time extensions can be obtained directly from the RVSMDC. To support the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS []) a representative hourly archive is derived from the high-resolution data. These data are available here as archive files and conveniently through ICOADS user data selection interface [] as 'ICOADS Auxiliary Data Selection'.
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