Data Publications

End-of-Day Temperature and Precipitation for Long-Period U.S. and Canadian Stations

  • End-of-Day Temperature and Precipitation for Long-Period U.S. and Canadian Stations
  • NCAR_DS522.0
  • Daily maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation amount are available for 497 U.S. and Canadian stations, which were extracted from other DSS datasets because of their long periods of record. The general period of record is 1874 to 1979, but it varies by individual station. For the U.S. stations, no period is shorter than 29 years, with most being much longer. There is more variation in the periods of the Canadian stations. For specific station information, you should view the inventories []. Most users will probably want to use the ASCII record format, but a packed-binary version of the data is also available. For more information about the data itself, please see the source datasets. The Texas stations were extracted from ds510.2 []. The other U.S. stations were selected from ds510.4 [], ds520.0 [], and ds521.0 []. The Canadian stations are from ds516.0 [].
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