Data Publications

GPCC Full Data Reanalysis Version 7.0: Monthly Land-Surface Precipitation from Rain Gauges built on GTS based and Historic Data

  • GPCC Full Data Reanalysis Version 7.0: Monthly Land-Surface Precipitation from Rain Gauges built on GTS based and Historic Data
  • NCAR_DS496.0
  • Ziese, M., U. Schneider, A. Meyer-Christoffer, K. Schamm, J. Vido, P. Finger, P. Bissolli, S. Pietzsch, and A. Becker, 2014: The GPCC Drought Index - a new, combined and gridded global drought index. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 6, 285-295 (DOI: 10.5194/essd-6-285-2014), URL: Schamm, K., M. Ziese, A. Becker, P. Finger, A. Meyer-Christoffer, U. Schneider, M. Schröder, and P. Stender, 2014: Global gridded precipitation over land: A description of the new GPCC First Guess Daily product. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 6, 49-60 (DOI: 10.5194/essd-6-49-2014), URL: Becker, A., P. Finger, A. Meyer-Christoffer, B. Rudolf, K. Schamm, U. Schneider, and M. Ziese, 2013: A description of the global land-surface precipitation data products of the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre with sample applications including centennial (trend) analysis from 1901-present. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 5, 71-99 (DOI: 10.5194/essd-5-71-2013), URL: Schneider, U., A. Becker, P. Finger, A. Meyer-Christoffer, M. Ziese, and B. Rudolf, 2013: GPCC's new land surface precipitation climatology based on quality-controlled in situ data and its role in quantifying the global water cycle. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 115, 15-40 (DOI: 10.1007/s00704-013-0860-x), URL:
  • This dataset contains the centennial Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) Full Data Reanalysis of monthly global land-surface precipitation based on the 75,000 stations world-wide that feature record durations of 10 years or longer. This product contains the monthly totals on a regular grid with a spatial resolution of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.5 degrees latitude by longitude. Precipitation anomalies at the stations are interpolated and then superimposed on the GPCC Climatology V2015 in the corresponding resolution. The temporal coverage of the dataset ranges from January 1901 until December 2013. The GPCC Full Data Reanalysis is the most accurate in situ precipitation reanalysis data set of GPCC. In addition, it supports regional climate monitoring, model validation, climate variability analysis and water resources assessment studies.
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