Data Publications

ERA-40 Global Upper Air Satellite Wind Observation Feedback Record Reports

  • ERA-40 Global Upper Air Satellite Wind Observation Feedback Record Reports
  • NCAR_DS367.0
  • ERA-40 Global Upper Air Satellite Wind Observation Feedback Record Reports include upper air satellite wind observation (SATWND) feedback record reports from SATWNDs used in the ECMWF 45-year reanalysis (ERA-40) covering the period from September 1957 to August 2002. SATWNDs, from multiple data sources, were assimilated into an ECMWF model and produced ERA-40. Select variables include zonal and meridional wind speed components at the observed pressure level. The metadata generated during the ERA-40 quality control data assimilation process were appended to the input observations. The final combination of input observations and feedback metadata are called feedback record reports.
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