Data Publications

NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) Monthly Products, January 1979 to December 2010

  • NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) Monthly Products, January 1979 to December 2010
  • NCAR_DS093.2
  • Saha, Suranjana, et. al., 2010: The NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91(8), 1015-1057 (DOI: 10.1175/2010BAMS3001.1), URL:
  • The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) was initially completed over the 31-year period from 1979 to 2009 and has been extended to March 2011. CFSR monthly atmospheric, oceanic and land surface output products are available at 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.9, and 2.5 degree horizontal resolutions as 6-hourly diurnal monthly means (0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800 UTC) and regular full monthly means. As a value-add for longer-term climate research, the CISL RDA has created time series of individual parameter-levels from the regular monthly means. Please note that not all parameters are available at all levels and that some parameters are not analyzed (e.g. 2 meter temperature, 10 meter winds), so please consult the detailed metadata for exact descriptions of what is available. For more information about CFSR in general, please see this page [!pub/cfsr.html]. For data to extend CFSR beyond December 2010, please see the Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2) datasets.
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