Data Publications

Global Gridded Spectral Height and Temperature Fields

  • Global Gridded Spectral Height and Temperature Fields
  • NCAR_DS067.6
  • Randel, W.J., 1992: Global atmospheric circulation statistics, 1000 - 1 mb. TN-366+STR, National Center for Atmospheric Research, 256 pp.. Randel, W. J., 1987: Global atmospheric circulation statistics, 1000 - 1 mb. TN-295+STR, National Center for Atmospheric Research, 245 pp..
  • This dataset contains once-daily global gridded geopotential height and temperature at levels from 1000 millibars up to 1 millibar for the period from April 1979 to May 1994. Bill Randel of NCAR interpolated bad and missing data in the grids of ds067.1 [] and stored the new data as zonal Fourier coefficients on an approximate 4.5 degree latitude/longitude grid (consistent with R15 spectral resolution). Further information can be found in NCAR Technical Note 366, which is available from the UCAR publications office at (303) 497-8601.
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