hasData_Center_Short_Name |
hasDataset_Online_Resource |
hasProject_Long_Name |
- Vereshchagin Long Cores Expedition 2001
- High-resolution CONTINENTal paleoclimate record in Lake Baikal
hasDataset_Release_Date |
hasDataset_Title |
- Raw pollen data from kasten core CON01-603-5 part1 (%)
hasEntry_ID |
hasKeyword |
- sample volume
- Apiaceae undiff.
- Arenaria type
- Artemisia
- Aster type
- Boraginaceae undiff.
- Botrychium lunaria type
- Brassicaceae
- Caryophyllaceae undiff.
- Chrysosplenium
- Ephedra distachya type
- Ephedra fragilis type
- Equisetum
- Ericaceae undiff.
- Geum type
- Humulus/Cannabis
- Juniperus
- Larix
- Lycopodium annotinum
- Lycopodium clavatum
- Menyanthes trifoliata
- Pinus sibirica type
- Pinus sylvestris type
- Poaceae undiff.
- Polemonium
- Polygonum aviculare type
- Polygonum persicaria type
- Polypodium
- Populus
- Potamogeton
- Potentilla type
- Ranunculus acris type
- Ranunculus flammula type
- Rhinanthus type
- Salix
- Sanguisorba officinalis
- Saussurea type
- Saxifraga oppositifolia type
- Selaginella helvetica
- Selaginella selaginoides
- Spergula type
- Sphagnum
- Thalictrum
- Trollius
- Ulmus
- Abies sibirica
- Aconitum
- Actaea
- Alchemilla
- Allium
- Alnus hirsuta type
- Andromeda
- Anemone
- Anthemis type
- Arctostaphylos
- Asplenium ruta muraria
- Asteraceae asteroideae undiff.
- Asteraceae cichorioideae undiff.
- Astragalus type
- Athyrium filix femina
- Bergenia crassifolia
- Betula sect. Albae
- Betula sect. Fruticosae
- Betula sect. Nanae
- Bupleurum
- Caltha type
- Campanula type
- Cassiope
- Centaurea nigra type
- Centaurea scabiosa type
- Cirsium
- Clematis
- Cotoneaster
- Cystopteris fragilis
- Dryas
- Dryopteris carthusiana type
- Dryopteris type
- Duschekia fruticosa
- Elymus type
- Empetrum nigrum
- Euphorbia
- Frangula alnus
- Galium type
- Gentiana pneumonanthe type
- Gentianella campestris type
- Gymnocarpium dryopteris
- Hedysarum
- Hippophae
- Hippuris
- Huperzia
- Illecebrum type
- Iris germanica type
- Knautia
- Koenigia islandica
- Ledum palustre
- Lilium
- Linnaea borealis
- Lonicera
- Lychnis
- Lythrum
- Maianthemum bifolium
- Myosotis
- Myricaria
- Myriophyllum spicatum
- Myriophyllum verticillatum
- Nitraria
- Nuphar
- Nymphaea
- Nymphoides peltata
- Oxyria digyna
- Papaver argemone type
- Parnassia
- Pedicularis oederi type
- Picea obovata
- Plantago maritima type
- Plumbaginaceae
- Polygonatum
- Polygonum bistorta type
- Polygonum viviparum
- Polystichum
- Primula
- Prunus
- Pteridium aquilinum
- Pteridophyta monoletae, verrucate
- Pteridophyta monoletae, with perine
- Ranunculus aquatilis type
- Rhamnus
- Rhododendron
- Ribes
- Rosa
- Rubus type
- Rumex acetosa type
- Rumex conglomeratus type
- Rumex obtusifolius type
- Sambucus
- Saxifraga granulata type
- Saxifraga stellaris type
- Scirpus type
- Scrophularia type
- Sedum type
- Selaginella apoda
- Selaginella rupestris
- Selaginella sanguinolenta
- Serratula type
- Silene dioica type
- Solanum dulcamara type
- Sorbus
- Sparganium
- Spiraea
- Stachys type
- Swertia
- Thelypteris palustris
- Thymus type
- Tofieldia
- Trientalis europaea
- Trifolium type
- Triticum type
- Typha angustifolia type
- Typha latifolia type
- Urticaceae
- Utricularia
- Vaccinium type
- Valerianaceae
- Veronica type
- Woodsia type
- Aquilegia
- Athyrium alpestre/crenatum
- Botrychium undiff.
- Centaurea undiff.
- Chamaenerion type
- Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae
- Cyperaceae undiff.
- Cystopteris undiff.
- Diphasiastrum complanatum type
- Gentianaceae undiff.
- LYC marker counted
- LYC/tab (10679 +/- 191)
- Lycopodiaceae undiff.
- Lycopodiella inundata
- Lysimachia undiff.
- Oxyria/Rumex
- Papaver undiff.
- Plantago undiff.
- Pleurospermum
- Poaceae >37 um
- Polygonum amphibium type
- Polygonum undiff.
- Pteridophyta Triletae undiff.
- Pulsatilla
- Ranunculus undiff.
- Riccia type
- Rosaceae AP undiff.
- Rosaceae NAP undiff.
- Rumex undiff.
- Saxifraga hirsuta type
- Saxifraga undiff.
- Scorzonera
- Scrophulariaceae undiff.
- Scutellaria type
- Selaginella undiff.
- Total Palynomorph Concentrations
- Total Sporomorph Concentrations
- Valeriana/Patrinia
- Xanthium
- no.LYCtabs (batch# 938934)
- sample depth mean
- sample number
- AP-trees
- %AP-shrubs
- %NAP
- Pteridophyta Monoletae: psilate
hasReference |
Dieter Demske, Georg Heumann, Wojciech Granoszewski, Ma³gorzata Nita, Kazimiera Mamakowa, Pavel E. Tarasov and Hedi Oberhänsli, Late glacial and Holocene vegetation and regional climate variability evidenced in high-resolution pollen records from Lake Bai
hasSummary |
Sediment slices of 0.5 cm thickness were obtained from gravity core segments and of 1 cm thickness from the Vydrino piston core. Volumetric subsamples of 5 cm3 (10 cm3 in case of the lowermost samples from Continent core) were prepared according to standard procedures, including 7-μm ultrasonic fine-sieving (Cwynar et al., 1979, Fægri et al., 1989 K. Fægri, P.E. Kaland and K. Krzywinski, Textbook of Pollen Analysis (4th edition), John Wiley & Sons, Chichester (1989) 328 pp..Fægri et al., 1989 and PALE Steering Committee, 1994). Two tablets of Lycopodium marker spores were added to each sample for calculating total pollen and spore concentrations (Stockmarr, 1971). Water-free glycerol was used for storage and preparation of microscopic slides. The palynological samples were counted at magnifications of 400600×, applying 1000× for the identification of difficult pollen types, e.g., including Saxifragaceae, Crassulaceae, and Rosaceae.
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