hasData_Center_Short_Name |
- Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
hasDataset_Online_Resource |
hasDataset_Release_Date |
hasDataset_Title |
- Composite OSG Logging Data from the PTA-2 borehole, Big Island, Hawai'i
hasEntry_ID |
hasKeyword |
- magnetic susceptibility
- magnetic field
- GR total gamma ray
- Hawaii Big Island
- borehole measurements
- caliper
- downhole data
- logs
- sonic
- volcanism
- wireline logging
hasSummary |
Compilation of downhole logging data from the borehole PTA2 inside Bradshaw Army Camp in the saddle region between Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa on the Big Island of Hawai'i. The PTA2 borehole was fully cored into a lava dominated rock sequence; open hole bit size was HQ. The data were derived from the following logging runs in February and June 2016: GR total natural Gamma ray, SGR spectrum natural Gamma ray, MS magnetic susceptibility, BS borehole sonic, DIP dipmeter, and ABI43 acoustic borehole imager. All sondes were run in an open hole section below the casing shoe: 885 - 1566 m except for the SGR, which was also measured in the cased upper section and the ABI43, which also logged a 40 m long section inside the casing. The ABI43 image data is not included in this compilation but is available separately.
The logging data was measured and processed by the Operational Support Group (OSG) of ICDP hosted by GFZ Potsdam (see https://www.icdp-online.org/support/service/downhole-logging/?type=12&tx_icdpdatatables_pi1%5Bajaxcall%5D=1 for further information). Detailed information about the OSG Slimhole Wireline Logging Sondes ist provided at https://www.icdp-online.org/fileadmin/icdp/services/img/Logging/OSG_Slimhole_Sondes_Specs_pics_2019-05.pdf. The data are also described in Jerram et al. (2019), Millet et al. (2017, 2018) and Willoughby, L. (2015). The file structure is described in the header of the data file.
The imager data described in Jerram et al. (2019) is available separately.
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