hasData_Center_Short_Name |
- Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
hasDataset_Online_Resource |
hasDataset_Release_Date |
hasDataset_Title |
- 15-minute urban weather data of the station “Berlin-Lankwitz, FU Geo Campus” (SW Berlin)
hasEntry_ID |
hasKeyword |
- air temperature
- precipitation
- climate
- humidity
- parameter > meteorological parameter
- solar radiation
- surface pressure
- urban
- weather
- wind direction
- wind speed
hasSummary |
The dataset contains an urban weather record from the hydro-meteorological monitoring station of the Institute of Geographical Sciences at the Freie Universitaet Berlin (working group Applied Geography, Environmental Hydrology and Resource Management; Geo Campus Lankwitz, Malteserstraße 74-100, 12249 Berlin). The station is located at an elevation of 45 m a.s.l. and consists of a 7.5 x 7.5 m wide fenced measuring field covered by short grass which is cut in weekly intervals (spring to fall) to ensure reference evaporation conditions.
The field is equipped with a range of redundant devices that record weather information. In this summary we focus on a description of the devices from which data were included in the published dataset. A actual list of all devices is available at the Website of the Hydrometeorological monitoring station "Berlin-Lankwitz, FU Geo Campus" (https://www.geo.fu-berlin.de/en/geog/fachrichtungen/angeog/Messfeld-auf-dem-Campus/index.html).
The dataset contains rainfall, air temperature, humidity, dew point temperature, air pressure, solar radiation as well as wind speed and direction, each measured in intervals of 15 min. It starts in January 2017 and is updated annually. Rainfall is collected with a Davis VantagePro tipping bucket which is part of the ISS (Integrated Sensor Suite, DAV-6323EU, manufactured before 2007) and mounted 2 m above ground. The collector diameter is 16.3 cm resulting in a collecting area of 210 cm². The measuring resolution of the tipping bucket is 0.25 mm (0.01 inch). During winter the DAVIS rain gauge is heated using the DAV-7720EU heating system. The begin of the heating period in each year is determined by the air temperature and starts before the daily minimum drops below 0°C. In addition a stainless steel Hellmann gauge with standard diameter of 16 cm (area: 200 m²) is installed on the monitoring field 1 m above ground. Rain water is collected in a steel can, which is emptied manually every morning from Monday to Friday using a DIN58667 measuring glass. Between December and February accumulated snow and ice is thawed. Paired data from the Hellman and DAVIS collector to assess accuracy are published separately (Reinhardt-Imjela et al. 2018). Temperature (°C), humidity (%) and air pressure (hPa) are measured 2 m above ground with the DAVIS ISS and the dew point is generated automatically from the data. Temperature includes mean, minimum and maximum of each 15 minute interval. Wind speed and direction are recorded by a Vaisale Weather Transmitter WXT520 2 m above ground. For solar radiation (W/m²) a Kipp & Zonen CMP3 Pyranometer is mounted also 2 m above ground.
The data are provided as a tab-separated ASCII file with column names in the first line. The first column contains the date and time (date format: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm). In the following columns all measured parameters are listed (units are included in the column name). Measuring errors or missing values are marked with “N/A”. Empty fields for the wind direction indicate intervals without measurable wind speed.
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