Data Publications

Tecplot 360 Add-on GeoStress

  • Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
  • 2017
  • Tecplot 360 Add-on GeoStress
  • 10.5880/wsm.2017.001
  • For the visualization and analysis of the stress field from 4D thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) numerical model results two main technical steps are necessary. First, one has to derive from the six independent components of the stress tensor scalar and vector values such as the ori-entation and magnitude of the maximum and minimum horizontal stress, stress ratios, differential stress. It is also of great interest to display e.g. the normal and shear stress with respect to an arbitrarily given surface. Second, an appropriate geometry has to be given such as cross sections, profile e.g. for borehole pathways or surfaces on which the model results and further derived values are interpolated. This includes the three field variables temperature, pore pressure and the displacement vector. To facilitate and automate these steps the add-on GeoStress for the professional visualization software Tecplot 360 EX has been programmed. Besides the aforementioned values derived from the stress tensor the tool also allows to calculate the values of Coulomb Failure Stress (CFS), Slip and Dilation tendency (ST and DT) and Fracture Potential (FP). GeoStress also estimates kinematic variables such as horizontal slip, dip slip, rake vector of faults that are implemented as contact surfaces in the geomechanical-numerical model as well as the true vertical depth. Furthermore, the add-on can export surfaces and polylines and map on these all availble stress values. The technical report describes the technical details of the visualization tool, its usage and ex-emplifies its application using the results of a 3D example of a geomechanical-numerical model of the stress field. The numerical solution is achieved with the finite element software Abaqus version 6.11. It also presents a number of special features of Tecplot 360 EX in combination with GeoStress that allow a professional and efficient analysis. The Add-on and a number of example and input files are provided at
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