Data Publications

3D-ctiy Flood Damage Module prototype implementation

  • Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
  • 2017
  • 3D-ctiy Flood Damage Module prototype implementation
  • 10.5880/GFZ.5.4.2017.001
  • 3D city model
  • CityGML
  • flood loss model
  • flood risk
  • random forests
  • spatial features
  • vulnerability
  • Climate change manifests in terms of changing frequency and magnitude of extreme hydro-meteorological events and thus drives changes in urban flood hazard. Flood risk oriented urban planning is key to derive smart adaptation strategies, strengthen resilience and achieve sustainable development. 3D city models offer detailed spatial information which is useful to describe the exposure and to characterize the susceptibility of buildings at risk. This web-based application presents the 3d-city flood damage module (3DCFD) prototype which has been developed and implemented within a pathfinder projected funded by Climate-KIC during 2015-2016. The presentation illustrates the results of the 3DCFD-module exemplarily for the demonstration case in the City of Dresden. Relative damage to residential buildings which results from various flooding scenarios is shown for the focus area Pieschen in Dresden. The application allows the user to browse through the virtual city model and to colour the residential buildings regarding their relative damage values caused by different flooding scenarios. To do so click on 'Content', then on the brush-icon next to 'Buildings' and select a certain style from the drop-down menu. A style represents a specific combination of loss model and flooding scenario. Flooding scenarios provide spatially detailed inundation depth information according to different water stages at the gauge Dresden. Currently two flood loss models are implemented: a simple stage-damage-function (sdf) which related inundation depth to relative loss and the 3DCFD-module which uses additional information about building characteristics available from the virtual city model. A click on a coloured building will display additional information. The loss estimation module has been developed by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Section Hydrology. The web-application has been developed by virtualcitySYSTEMS GmbH. The data consisting of flood scenarios, a virtual 3D city model, and a terrain model were provided by the City of Dresden.