hasData_Center_Short_Name |
- Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
hasDataset_Online_Resource |
hasDataset_Release_Date |
hasDataset_Title |
- LISPWAL: Lithospheric structure of the Namibian continental passive margin at the intersection with the Walvis Ridge from amphibious seismic investigations November 2010 – January 2011, Namibia
hasEntry_ID |
hasKeyword |
- geophysics
- continental margin
- Namibia
- controlled-source seismic survey,
- offshore
- onshore
hasSummary |
Seismic Data, including raw, MSEED and SEG-Y files, of the large-scale controlled-source survey in Northern Namibia (Kaokoveld) using combined on- and offshore experiments.
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