hasData_Center_Short_Name |
hasDataset_Online_Resource |
hasProject_Long_Name |
- Vereshchagin Long Cores Expedition 2001
- High-resolution CONTINENTal paleoclimate record in Lake Baikal
hasDataset_Release_Date |
hasDataset_Title |
- Raw pollen data from the Eemian core CON01-603-2
hasEntry_ID |
hasKeyword |
- Abies
- Achillea type
- Allium ursinum type
- Alnus fruticosa type
- Alnus glutinosa type
- Apiaceae undiff.
- Arenaria type
- Armeria A-line
- Artemisia
- Aster type
- Asteraceae undiff.
- Athyrium
- Bellis
- Bellis type
- Betula alba type
- Betula nana type
- Boraginaceae undiff.
- Botrychium lunaria type
- Botryococcus
- Brassicaceae
- Broken
- Carpinus cf.
- Caryophyllaceae undiff.
- Cerastium type
- Ceratophyllum-hairs
- Chenopodiaceae
- Chrysosplenium
- Cichoriaceae
- Cirsium/Carduus
- Concealed
- Corroded
- Corylus
- Crumpled
- Cyperaceae
- Dianthus type
- Dryopteris
- Ephedra cf. strobilacea
- Ephedra distachya type
- Ephedra fragilis type
- Epilobium type
- Equisetum
- Ericaceae undiff.
- Fabaceae undiff.
- Filicales monolete undiff
- Filipendula
- Fraxinus
- Genista type
- Gentiana
- Geum type
- Humulus/Cannabis
- Huperzia selago
- Hypericum cf.
- Indicator
- Juniperus
- Larix
- Leguminosae undiff.
- Liliaceae undiff.
- Lobelia
- Lycopodium alpinum
- Lycopodium annotinum
- Lycopodium clavatum
- Lycopodium complanatum t.
- Lycopodium undiff.
- Lysimachia thyrsiflora
- Menyanthes trifoliata
- Nymphaeaceae - hairs
- Nymphaeaceae - idioblasts
- Oenotheraceae
- Onobrychis type
- Osmunda
- P.boryanum v. longicorne
- P.boryanum v. pseudoglab.
- Pediastrum boryanum var. boryanum
- Pediastrum boryanum var. longicorne
- Pediastrum boryanum var. pseudoglabrum
- Pediastrum duplex
- Pediastrum kawraiskyi
- Pediastrum simplex
- Pediastrum undiff.
- Phragmites type
- Picea
- Pinus sibirica type
- Pinus sylvestris type
- Plantago
- Poaceae undiff.
- Podocarpus
- Polemonium
- Polygonum aviculare type
- Polygonum bistorta/vivip.
- Polygonum persicaria type
- Polypodium
- Populus
- Potamogeton
- Potamogeton sect. Coleog.
- Potamogeton sect. Eupot.
- Potamogeton undiff.
- Potentilla type
- Prunus type
- Pteridium
- Pterocarya
- Pulsatilla cf.
- Quercus
- Ranunculaceae undiff.
- Ranunculus acris type
- Ranunculus flammula type
- Ranunculus trichoph. type
- Rhinanthus type
- Rosaceae undiff.
- Rubiaceae
- Rubus
- Rumex acetosella
- Sagina type
- Salix
- Salvinia
- Sambucus nigra type
- Sanguisorba officinalis
- Saussurea type
- Saxifraga oppositifolia type
- Saxifraga stellaris cf.
- Scleranthus type
- Sedum
- Sedum acre type
- Selaginella helvetica
- Selaginella sanguinulenta
- Selaginella selaginoides
- Selaginella sibirica
- Solanum dulcamara
- Sparganium type
- Spergula type
- Sphagnum
- Tetraedron
- Thalictrum
- Trollius
- Typha latifolia
- Ulmus
- Urtica
- Varia
hasReference |
W. Granoszewski, D. Demske, M. Nita, G. Heumann and A.A. Andreev, Vegetation and climate variability during the Last Interglacial evidenced in the pollen record from Lake Baikal, Glob. Planet. Change 46 (2005), pp. 187-198.
hasSummary |
The studied core CON01-603-2 was recovered from the Continent site, Northern Basin from a water depth of 386 m (Fig. 1) (see Charlet et al., 2005-this volume). The analysed sequence (725.5608 cm) consists of mainly of biogenic, diatomaceous sediments, although the upper part of the sequence between ca. 611608 cm contains more silt particles and less diatoms than the lower part of the sequence. From a depth of 690 cm upwards the sediments are finely and coarsely laminated.Based on a standard technique for processing palynological samples, silicates were removed from the sediment by treatment with 40% HF for 3 days and with 50% HF for 1 day. Following Erdtmans acetolysis (Faegri and Iversen, 1989) sediment samples were sieved through 7-µm meshes in an ultrasonic water bath (Cwynar et al., 1979).
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