
  • stove
  • A chamber within which a fuel-air mixture is burned to provide heat, the heat itself being radiated outward from the chamber; used for space heating, process-fluid heating, and steel blast furnaces.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A stove or range is a device that burns fuel or uses electricity to generate heat inside or on top of the apparatus, to be used for general warming or cooking. It has evolved highly over time, with cast-iron and induction versions being developed. Stoves can be powered with many fuels, such as electricity, gasoline, wood, and coal. Due to concerns about air pollution, efforts have been made to improve stove design. Pellet stoves are a type of clean-burning stove. Air-tight stoves are another type that burn the wood more completely and therefore, reduce the amount of the combustion by-products. Another method of reducing air pollution is through the addition of a device to clean the exhaust gas, for example, a filter or afterburner. Research and development on safer and less emission releasing stoves is continuously evolving.

    ストーブ(英: stove)とは燃料を燃焼させることにより、熱を発生させる装置である。英語のStoveの語源は、「温室」「」「暖かい部屋」を意味し、かつてストーブといえば薪ストーブを指し、中世頃より使われてきた。構造的に大きく分けると輻射式、対流式、暖炉式の3つに分類される。 アメリカ英語では「ストーブ」、イギリス英語では暖房・調理兼用を「ストーブ」、調理専用のものについては特に「クッカー」と呼び分けることがある。日本語で元来携帯用の熱源を意味する語の「焜炉」と呼ぶこともある。
