
  • sluice
  • Vertical sliding gate or valve to regulate the flow of water in a channel or lock.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Sluice (/slus/ SLOOS) is a word for a channel controlled at its head by a movable gate which is called a sluice gate. A sluice gate is traditionally a wood or metal barrier sliding in grooves that are set in the sides of the waterway and can be considered as a bottom opening in a wall. Sluice gates are one of the most common hydraulic structures in controlling flow rate and water level in open channels such as rivers and canals. They also could be used to measure the flow. A water channel containing a sluice gate forms a type of lock to manage the water flow and water level. It can also be an open channel which processes material, such as a River Sluice used in gold prospecting or fossicking. A mill race, leet, flume, penstock or lade is a sluice channeling water toward a water mill. The terms sluice, sluice gate, knife gate, and slide gate are used interchangeably in the water and wastewater control industry. They are also used in wastewater treatment plants and to recover minerals in mining operations, and in watermills.

    水門(すいもん)とは、河川または水路を横断する形で設けられる流水を制御するための構造物のうち河川堤防を分断する形で設置されるもの。河口付近を含む河川や運河、用水路、湖沼、貯水池、港湾などに設けられる。水門は流水を制御するとともに高水時には堤防としての機能をもつ。古くは「水の門(ミナト)」として「港湾」の意味も持ち、『古事記』や『日本書紀』では「水門」と書かれている。 なお、河川または水路を横断する形で設けられる流水を制御するための構造物には水門のほかに樋門があり、本項では樋門も扱う。
