
  • luminosity
  • The functional relationship between stellar magnitude and the number and distribution of stars of each magnitude interval. Also known as relative luminosity factor.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Luminosity is an absolute measure of radiated electromagnetic power (light), the radiant power emitted by a light-emitting object over time. In astronomy, luminosity is the total amount of electromagnetic energy emitted per unit of time by a star, galaxy, or other astronomical object. In SI units, luminosity is measured in joules per second, or watts. In astronomy, values for luminosity are often given in the terms of the luminosity of the Sun, L⊙. Luminosity can also be given in terms of the astronomical magnitude system: the absolute bolometric magnitude (Mbol) of an object is a logarithmic measure of its total energy emission rate, while absolute magnitude is a logarithmic measure of the luminosity within some specific wavelength range or filter band. In contrast, the term brightness in astronomy is generally used to refer to an object's apparent brightness: that is, how bright an object appears to an observer. Apparent brightness depends on both the luminosity of the object and the distance between the object and observer, and also on any absorption of light along the path from object to observer. Apparent magnitude is a logarithmic measure of apparent brightness. The distance determined by luminosity measures can be somewhat ambiguous, and is thus sometimes called the luminosity distance.

    光度(こうど、英語: luminosity)とは、天文学で天体が単位時間に放射するエネルギーを指す物理量である。国際単位系では W、CGS単位系では erg/s で表される。また、太陽の光度 L☉ (= 3.827×1026 W) を単位とすることも多い。天体の見かけの明るさは距離の2乗に反比例して暗くなるが、光度は天体までの距離によらない固有の量である。天体の明るさは普通、対数スケールの見かけの等級を用いて測られる。 恒星の明るさを測定する場合、光度・見かけの等級・距離は互いに関係のある変数である。この3つの変数のうち2つを知ることができれば残りの一つを決めることができる。光度の基準として太陽の値を用いる場合が多いので、太陽の見かけの等級と太陽までの距離を目的の天体での値と比較すれば最も簡単に各変数を計算できる。 測光の分野で使われる光度(英語: luminous intensity)とは別の次元を持つ異なる量である。
