
  • horticulture
  • The art and science of growing plants.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Horticulture is the branch of agriculture that deals with the art, science, technology, and business of plant cultivation. It includes the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, sprouts, mushrooms, algae, flowers, seaweeds and non-food crops such as grass and ornamental trees and plants. It also includes plant conservation, landscape restoration, landscape and garden design, construction, and maintenance, and arboriculture, ornamental trees and lawns. The study and practice of horticulture have been traced back thousands of years. Horticulture contributed to the transition from nomadic human communities to sedentary, or semi-sedentary, horticultural communities. Horticulture is divided into several categories which focus on the cultivation and processing of different types of plants and food items for specific purposes. In order to conserve the science of horticulture, multiple organizations worldwide educate, encourage, and promote the advancement of horticulture. Some notable horticulturists include Luca Ghini and Luther Burbank.

     一般的に園芸(えんげい)は、以下のように解釈されている。 1. * 植物を育てること。または植物を育てる技術。一般的には植物を育て楽しむこと。 2. * 本来なら『園藝』と書き、生きた植物を絶対的素材とする芸術(美的文化)の一つである。概説2で後述する。 3. * 英語 horticulture の訳語として農業の一分野である。概説3で後述する。 4. * 英語 gardening の訳語として造園のことである。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Horticulture)

    Horticulture is the branch of agriculture that deals with the art, science, technology, and business of plant cultivation. It includes the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, sprouts, mushrooms, algae, flowers, seaweeds and non-food crops such as grass and ornamental trees and plants. It also includes plant conservation, landscape restoration, landscape and garden design, construction, and maintenance, and arboriculture, ornamental trees and lawns. The study and practice of horticulture have been traced back thousands of years. Horticulture contributed to the transition from nomadic human communities to sedentary, or semi-sedentary, horticultural communities. Horticulture is divided into several categories which focus on the cultivation and processing of different types of plants and food items for specific purposes. In order to conserve the science of horticulture, multiple organizations worldwide educate, encourage, and promote the advancement of horticulture. Some notable horticulturists include Luca Ghini and Luther Burbank.

    ガーデニング(英語: Gardening)とは、家庭で行われる造園や園芸の一種。 なお日本でカタカナ表記「ガーデニング」は1990 年代後半におきたブームの契機となり登場し、1997 年には「ガーデニング」という言葉は流行語 10 選に選ばれた。 カタカナ語としての「ガーデニング」には趣味や家庭の園芸・造園という含意があるが、英語のgardeningにはその含みはない。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Horticulture)