
  • dye
  • A coloring material.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A dye is a colored substance that chemically bonds to the substrate to which it is being applied. This distinguishes dyes from pigments which do not chemically bind to the material they color. Dye is generally applied in an aqueous solution and may require a mordant to improve the fastness of the dye on the fiber. There are two broad categories of dyes: natural and synthetic; Natural dyes are dyes extracted from plants, Insects, or minerals. The majority of natural dyes are vegetable dyes derived from plant sources such as roots, berries, bark, leaves, and wood, as well as other biological sources like fungi. Synthetic dyes are also referred to as "coal tar dyes" because they are derived from substances that, until recently, could only be extracted from coal tar. A synthetic dye consists of a chromophore and an auxochrome added to a benzene derivative. Both dyes and pigments are colored, because they absorb only some wavelengths of visible light. Dyes are usually soluble in water, whereas pigments are insoluble. Some dyes can be rendered insoluble with the addition of salt to produce a lake pigment.

    染料(せんりょう) とは、水など特定の溶媒に溶解させて着色に用いる有色の物質。普通は水を溶媒として布や紙などを染色する。誘導体が溶媒に可溶であり、染着後に発色させた色素は不溶となる、いわゆる建染染料も含む。建染染料の内、インディゴやインダンスレン、ペリノンオレンジ、フラバンスロンイエローなどは顔料としての確固たる使用実績があり、顔料としての認知度も高い。特定の媒体に分散するという性質が着色の上で重要なものは顔料と呼ばれる。 染料は性質や色、化学構造に基づいてカラーインデックス (Colour Index, C.I.) に収録され、名称および番号が与えられている。例えば、インディゴのColour Index Generic NameはVat Blue 1、Colour Index Constitution Numberは、C.I. 73000である。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Dye)