Continuing education

  • continuing education
  • Various forms, methods, and processes of formal and informal education for the continued learning of all ages and categories of the general public. Oriented toward the continued learning/developmental processes of the individual throughout life.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Continuing education (similar to further education in the United Kingdom and Ireland) is an all-encompassing term within a broad list of post-secondary learning activities and programs. The term is used mainly in the United States and Canada. Recognized forms of post-secondary learning activities within the domain include: degree credit courses by non-traditional students, non-degree career training, college remediation, workforce training, and formal personal enrichment courses (both on-campus and online). General continuing education is similar to adult education, at least in being intended for adult learners, especially those beyond traditional undergraduate college or university age. Frequently, in the United States and Canada continuing education courses are delivered through a division or school of continuing education of a college or university known sometimes as the university extension or extension school. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development argued, however, that continuing education should be "'fully integrated into institutional life rather than being often regarded as a separate and distinctive operation employing different staff' if it is to feed into mainstream programmes and be given the due recognition deserved by this type of provision". Georgetown University, Michigan State University, and the University of Denver have benefited from non-credit programs as it relates to strengthening partnerships with corporations and government agencies, helping to inform and shape the curriculum for degree programs, and generating revenue to support the academic enterprise.

    イギリスおよびアイルランド共和国における継続教育(けいぞくきょういく、英語: further education、FE)とは、若者、失業者、在職者を対象に主に資格取得のための教育訓練を行う制度である。 学卒者に対しては義務教育(中等教育)を終えた後の段階で行なわれる教育過程ではあるが、大学によって提供される高等教育とは区別されたものを指す用語であり、基本的に職業教育である。 イギリスにおいて16歳で中等教育段階を終えた後の進路は、高等教育(HE)に進む者は過程 (Sixth form) に進学することとなるが、そうでない者は継続教育に進むこととなる。 継続教育によって与えられる称号の例としては、Postgraduate Certificate in Education(PGCE)、全国職業資格(NVQ)、ロンドン・シティ・ギルド協会、商業技術教育委員会(The Business and Technology Education Council, BTEC)、(Higher National Certificate, HNC)、高等国家ディプロマ(Higher National Diploma, HND)、Foundation Degree(日本の準学士に相当するとされる) などがある。 継続教育は、特定の職業(例えば、、積算士、都市計画家、獣医など)に就く資格を得るため、または大学編入資格への中間段階とされる。16歳以上の者であれば誰もが学ぶことができ、学ぶ場は主にFEカレッジであるが、ほかにも就業を通して学んだり、成人向けの教育組織や地域の教育組織で学ぶことも可能とされている。
