Survival rates

  • Survival Rates
  • Survival is the converse of mortality for an organism. Survival is a result of a combination of factors that contribute toward successful reproductive advantage and the ability to resist being killed or eaten by another species.  
Abstract from DBPedia
    Survival rate is a part of survival analysis. It is the proportion of people in a study or treatment group still alive at a given period of time after diagnosis. It is a method of describing prognosis in certain disease conditions, and can be used for the assessment of standards of therapy. The survival period is usually reckoned from date of diagnosis or start of treatment. Survival rates are based on the population as a whole and cannot be applied directly to an individual. There are various types of survival rates (discussed below). They often serve as endpoints of clinical trials and should not be confused with mortality rates, a population metric.

    全生存期間(Overall survival;OS)とは、致死的疾患の臨床試験において、患者の登録から死亡前の最終生存確認日までの期間を言う。死因の如何を問わない。臨床的評価を要しないので客観性が高く、堅固(ハード)なエンドポイントとされる。実臨床の目的(延命)とも合致しており臨床試験の主要評価項目としてよく用いられるが、試験実施期間が長くなりがちである点が懸念される。
