Mid-ocean ridges

  • Mid-Ocean Ridges
  • The long, continuous mountain chain found in all oceans; ocean crust is created by the process of sea-floor spreading at its crest.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A mid-ocean ridge (MOR) is a seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonics. It typically has a depth of about 2,600 meters (8,500 ft) and rises about 2,000 meters (6,600 ft) above the deepest portion of an ocean basin. This feature is where seafloor spreading takes place along a divergent plate boundary. The rate of seafloor spreading determines the morphology of the crest of the mid-ocean ridge and its width in an ocean basin. The production of new seafloor and oceanic lithosphere results from mantle upwelling in response to plate separation. The melt rises as magma at the linear weakness between the separating plates, and emerges as lava, creating new oceanic crust and lithosphere upon cooling. The first discovered mid-ocean ridge was the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which is a spreading center that bisects the North and South Atlantic basins; hence the origin of the name 'mid-ocean ridge'. Most oceanic spreading centers are not in the middle of their hosting ocean basis but regardless, are traditionally called mid-ocean ridges. Mid-ocean ridges around the globe are linked by plate tectonic boundaries and the trace of the ridges across the ocean floor appears similar to the seam of a baseball. The mid-ocean ridge system thus is the longest mountain range on Earth, reaching about 65,000 km (40,000 mi).

    海嶺(かいれい)には、以下の2つの用法がある。 * 広義では、海洋底において海盆を分けているような、細長い山脈状の地形のこと。海洋の底において傾斜を伴った地形の高まりが細長く連なっている、いわば海底山脈のような場所全般を指す。海面下の地殻のプレートがマグマのホットスポットの上を移動しているあいだに、海山が次々と生成されることにより海底山脈(seamount chain)となっている(島や諸島となることもある)。 * 狭義では、海洋プレートが両側に引っ張られるために生じた地表の割れ目が直下のマントル(固体)の上昇によってうめられ、マントルの断熱上昇のために部分融解が起こりマグマが発生し、火山活動が起こり、新しいプレートと海洋地殻が生成される大規模な海底山脈のこと。中央海嶺(oceanic ridge)。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Mid-ocean_ridge)

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