Isotopes of oxygen (O-18, O-16, O-13) are found in calcium carbonate in sea water. The production of O18 is highly dependent on temperature. The oxygen isotope record in marine sediments varies locally with temperature and globally with variations in continental ice volume. Oxygen isotope analyses have been carried out on deep sea cores from areas of calcareous sedimentation throughout the world and similar variations in O18 are recorded everywhere. The O18 signal is that of ice volume changes on the continents and concomitant changes in the isotopic content of the oceans.
Relative percentage diatom profile for BAIK38 (BAIK94-38A), using uncorrected taxa. The core has been dated using 210Pb analysis (to c. 1840 AD), and subsequent dates have been extrapolatedsee text for details. Zones are defined using cluster analysis.
Relative percentage diatom profile for BAIK94-38A using corrected values for dominant phytoplankton in the sedimentary record recalculated to sum to 100%.
Diatom-inferred snow accumulation models for BAIK38 (BAIK94-38A) using uncorrected and corrected relative abundance data of five dominant phytoplankton species.
Supplementary material to Mangili et al. (2010): Climatic implications of annual to decadal resolution stable isotope data from calcite varves of the Piànico interglacial lake record, Southern Alps
Related materials to Lauterbach et al. (2011) Environmental responses to Lateglacial climatic fluctuations recorded in the sediments of pre-Alpine Lake Mondsee (northeastern Alps)