
  • Loess
  • Loess is a deposit of wind-blown silt and dust of Pleistocene age that covers large areas of the continents. It is predominently calcerous consisting of quartz feldspars and micas. Loess is extensive in the North American Great Plains, south-central Europe, Ukraine, central Asia, China, and Argentina. Loess deposits in North America are related to large outwashes from the Laurentide ice sheet and floodplains of large rivers. Loess deposits in Europe are related to the former Alpine and Scandinavianice sheets. Loess in China and central Asia are related to desert conditions.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Loess (US: /ˈlɛs, ˈlʌs, ˈloʊ.əs/, UK: /ˈloʊ.əs, ˈlɜːs/; from German: Löss [lœs]) is a clastic, predominantly silt-sized sediment that is formed by the accumulation of wind-blown dust. Ten percent of Earth's land area is covered by loess or similar deposits. Loess is a periglacial or aeolian (windborne) sediment, defined as an accumulation of 20% or less of clay and a balance of roughly equal parts sand and silt (with a typical grain size from 20 to 50 micrometers), often loosely cemented by calcium carbonate. It is usually homogeneous and highly porous and is traversed by vertical capillaries that permit the sediment to fracture and form vertical bluffs.

    黄土とは、黄色みの強い土のことである。専門用語としては2つの用法がある。 1. * 「きづち」「きつち」と読んで、和建築、左官、日本美術などで用いる、黄味を帯びた土の一種。 2. * ドイツ語: Löss、英語: loess の訳語。「おうど」または「こうど」と読む。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Loess)

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